10 ways to … help us make happier, healthier, greener lives through cycling

Helping to get more people out cycling for everyday journeys is central to Cycling UK’s mission. Photo: Paul Hailwood, volunteer photographer
As Cycling UK launches its new strategy, we suggest 10 ways in which you can assist us in our purpose to improve lives, places and the planet through cycling’s remarkable benefits

1. Donate

Every donation we receive helps to improve lives, places and the planet through cycling’s extraordinary benefits. Your support makes all the work we do possible.

2. Join

As a charity, we are powered by our more than 71,000 members. By joining Cycling UK, you enable our work to make the UK a better place to cycle for us all. In return, we commit to providing you with the best possible membership experience.

Membership starts from as little as £2.84 a month and you’ll also receive a huge range of membership benefits, from retail discounts with top brands to free insurance. You can join as an individual, household or a group.

3. Campaign

We have campaigned for positive change for cycling throughout our 146-year history. You can help us push for safer roads, more high-quality cycling infrastructure and increased funding for cycling. Collectively, our voice is stronger.

You can either campaign formally as a member of our Cycle Advocacy Network or join 500 other people and sign up for regular micro-volunteering tasks.

You can even find out if there are actions specific to your local area.


4. Volunteer

Whether you lead supportive group rides, help children pedal safely to school, become a tandem pilot for visually impaired people or contribute through micro-volunteering, you’ll be helping to improve lives through cycling.

We have many more volunteering opportunities, including volunteer photographers, admin support and event helpers – search for roles in your area or online.

5. Partner

We’re proud to work with a diverse range of organisations and companies that share our vision for happier, healthier and greener lives through cycling. Let’s grow our impact, together. If you are interested in partnering with us, contact our membership team in the first instance.

6. Connect

Join the conversation – let’s stay in touch as we build the movement towards an even brighter cycling future. You can follow us on social media channels such as X, LinkedIn and YouTube, or follow one of our many Facebook groups, with separate groups for regional cycling, women’s cycling, for our off-road trails and British Cycle Quest participants, and more.

Even better, you can subscribe to our mailing list and receive all the latest news directly to your inbox.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and share your passion for cycling. Photo: Paul Hailwood, volunteer photographer

7. Become a trustee

Trustees make a vital contribution to developing our policies and future direction. We are currently looking for people from a diverse range of backgrounds to join our board.

This will enable us to have a distinct and progressive outlook on societal issues, a deeper understanding around barriers to cycling and allow us to have a balanced approach to decision-making.

8. Submit letters, articles and features to Cycle magazine

Our publication Cycle magazine appears six times a year and has the largest circulation of any cycling magazine in the UK. It is free to members and can be accessed online. If you would like to contribute, here is some advice from editor Dan Joyce.

Once you have finished with your copy of Cycle, please pass it on so someone else can be inspired by it. Donate to a local surgery, youth hostel or even to a local cycle-friendly café and extend our reach even further.

9. Talk to your MP

With a new government incoming, we want to keep cycling on the political agenda – and for this we need your help. Whether you’ve got a new MP or not, now is the time to get in touch and tell them how important cycling is to you and the country as a whole.

10. Write to your local newspaper

Cycling often makes the news but can attract negative opinions. To add some balance to the argument, why not write to your local newspaper? To make this really easy, we’ve prepared A guide to writing a letter to your local paper.

Newspaper editors might be keen to publish a positive story. Wouldn’t it great if that was about cycling!