Cycle campaign news May 2022

A woman with her children on a cargo bike
Cycling UK’s round-up of recent campaigning news


Vote 2022 - Elections across the nations

On 5 May, elections were held for the local authorities of Scotland, Wales and 146 English local authorities and mayors. Northern Ireland elected its National Assembly. Cycling UK looked to put the needs of people at the heart of its elections campaign in 2022, challenging politicians to deliver towns, cities and rural communities designed for people and cycling.

So how did we do where you live? Read our election summary of each nation:

Northern Ireland 




Cycling UK launches the Cantii Way, a 234km bikepacking tour around East Kent

Cycling UK has launched the Cantii Way, part of the European Regional Development Fund EXPERIENCE project.

For many people, it can be hard to know where to go if a lack of safe traffic-free trails puts them off cycling from home. That’s why we want to make it easier to ride from your door to enjoy our fantastic countryside.

Taking its name from the Celtic tribe which inhabited the area during the Iron Age, the way combines quirky coastal towns, dramatic chalk cliffs with the rolling hills of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

With the long Jubilee weekend coming up, why not go and explore the Cantii Way?

Our statement on the Queen's speech & Transport Bill

The Transport Bill will include measures to reform Britain’s railways, to speed up the introduction of charging points for electric vehicles (EVs), and to regulate autonomous vehicles (AVs), ‘e-scooters’ and Pedicabs.

Meanwhile, The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill will, among other things, enable the delivery of more housing and other new developments.

Cycling UK will be urging Ministers, MPs, and Peers to:

  • Ensure new developments support the growth of cycling and sustainable transport
  • Increase cycle spaces on new and refurbished trains, and improve the reservation process on longer-distance services
  • Guarantee EV charging points are not installed where they could obstruct future cycle tracks
  • Make sure manufacturers of AVs are at least partially liable for compensating unprotected road users injured in a collision with a self-driving vehicle
  • Continue to call for regulation of pedicabs in and outside of London
  • Set targets to reverse the growth of motor traffic

Other stories

Cycling & walking funding for English councils

The Department for Transport (DfT) announced that £161 million had been allocated to 46 local authorities outside London to deliver 134 active travel schemes, overseen by Active Travel England.

A handful of authorities secured half of the funding available, and almost as many got none.

One of those disappointed, were the people of Cambridge, who criticised the Combined Authority’s “lack of ambition” with active travel and costing their region valuable funds.

Children reclaim the streets for cycling on Kidical Mass Weekend

40,000 people demonstrated during Kidical Mass Weekend in more than 200 locations across 15 countries in Europe, as families demanded child and cycle friendly towns and cities.

13 rides were held in England and Scotland, from Inverness to Exeter, in the form of peaceful protest to promote safer cycling and inspire more people to ditch their cars for urban journeys.

Have you ever been put on the spot by someone who's not very sympathetic to cycling?

Cycling UK has released its Ten common questions about cycling, with answers. An invaluable tool to dispel myths and question entrenched beliefs.

Health, collisions, pedestrians, reputation, road positioning and behaviour, regulation, tax, helmets, hi-vis are a snapshot of what’s covered. All adding to the already-strong case for investing in cycling.

Active travel report shows appetite for mode shift in Belfast

The Belfast Walking and Cycling Index, published in May by Sustrans, delivered a good indication of increased cycling levels in Belfast, alongside a strong public attitude for a change. 73% of residents surveyed support the introduction of low traffic neighbourhoods, and 85% want to see the creation of more 20-minute neighbourhoods.

An event, accompanying the release of the report, was attended by the new Minister for Infrastructure, John O'Dowd.  The minister reiterated the commitment from the climate change bill to spend 10% of the transport budget on active travel. 

Celebrating bike-friendly bus operators on Scottish Bus Week

An increasing number of services are allowing bikes to be carried on buses in Scotland, offering the chance to extend a cycling trip without a car or in places with no rail services.

Here is a list of operators in Scotland which accept bikes on buses*:

  • Borders Buses – the X62, X95 and the 253
  • Ember - Dundee to Edinburgh, using electric buses fitted with two bike spaces which can be booked for free 
  • West Coast Motors - To introduce bike buses in Campbeltown, Mull and Ardrishaig over the summer months. They allow bikes on other services at the driver's discretion
  • Citylink and Stagecoach in the Highlands - Citylink 917 to Portree, 919 to Fortwilliam, 961 to Ullapool and Stagecoach X99 to Thurso and Scrabster, with plans to expand to other services
  • Stagecoach - X74 Dumfries to Glasgow, 500 Dumfries to Stranraer

*This list isn’t exhaustive, please let us know of others if you do.

Introducing: Cargo Bike Belfast

A new campaigning group, Cargo Bike Belfast, has formed in Northern Ireland.

The group already has a dozen members, with a wide range of cargo bikes for a wide range of uses.  They want to promote the use of cargo bikes to individuals for transporting kids and shopping, and to Belfast businesses for local deliveries. 

Founder, Clement Lesbarreres, said:

“We think a city like Belfast needs to start moving towards reducing cars on the road, and we believe cargo bikes represent one of the best car replacements for businesses, families and individuals."

Want to get involved with local campaigning in your area and connect with others across the country?


Join the cycle advocacy network

Take action

Elections - follow up successful candidates

Check Cycling UK's campaign pages and your own local area to find out who was elected and ideas for following them up. (UK wide)


follow up


Respond to the Government's air pollution consultation

The Government’s consultation on new air pollution targets for the Environment Bill is open until June 27. Make sure your voice is heard! (UK wide)


clear the air


Research and recover lost rights of way

There are thousands of historical rights of way were recorded incorrectly when councils were compiling their official maps in the 1950s. However, the public’s right to ride on them still exists. It hasn’t just disappeared because they’ve been marked incorrectly on a map. Discover and recover lost rights of way near you. (UK wide)


find the ways

Diary Dates

Local Campaigner Briefing - England, Cycle Advocacy Network, Thursday 16 June, 7pm

Duncan Dollimore and others from Cycling UK's campaigns team set out the 'state of the nation' in England from the perspective of cycling and active travel campaigning.

Where might local cycle campaigners and advocates focus their attention in the coming months? Come along and hear our thoughts... and share your own ideas.



'Plenary Focus on Citizens, Stakeholders and Community', Wednesday, 15 June, 16:00 – 17:15 (CET) 

A talk from Sarah Mitchell, CEO Cycling UK at Velo-city, Ljubljana, Slovenia - the world cycling summit  

