Fife and Kinross CTC part of Cycling UK

WELCOME - Please join us on one of our weekly rides and contact me if you have any queries.  Please also note the change of venues at the end of September.

Our activities

Leisure/Touring rides
Women only rides

About us


Please remember that Covid procedures still apply and if you feel at all unwell, then please check that you are negative before attending a ride and passing on any potential germs.  Please use common sense and I hope to see you at the Runs.

Please see Notifications for more info.

In Fife and Kinross, due to the wide distribution of our members, there is no ‘HQ Meeting Place’ but we meet regularly throughout the year to enjoy cycling, not just in the local countryside, but also further afield depending on the enthusiasm of our members.

We also keep in touch electronically on our web site and our Facebook page at Fife and Kinross CTC, part of Cycling UK, sharing photographs, stories, routes, views and opinions.

How our runs are organised

We have a Covid Officer but the onus is on you to not attend if you feel unwell,  However, please do notify the Covid Officer as necessary.  We also record your name and town that you live for each ride you attend, so that we can see who is attending the rides and you may win an award at the end of the year.  However, this is not compulsory.

We use a system of Rendezvous runs and these take place on a Saturday and on every alternate Wednesday during the colder months then weekly from April to September. The Wednesday runs are Veterans' runs  and are usually attended by retired members although all are welcome, even non members but we would eventually ask you to become a member of Cycling UK.  Check out our Facebook page to see who intends to go and which route they are thinking of taking. We also have a few Sunday runs in the summer which are group runs,  not led by a rides leader, just someone who has compiled a route, usually meeting in the morning at an easily accessible car park. This means we publish a Runs List (see below or to the right) which gives a meeting place and this could be in the open air, or in a café, pub, Community Hall or even in someone's home. When these take place in someone's home the Host/Hostess will provide the tea or coffee and members will bring a packed lunch. Open air meets means providing one's own drink and sandwiches, but tea is available in Community Halls and we charge £1 for tea and the rent of the Hall. All runs can also be group rides by communicating on Facebook, confirming if you are intending to ride that day and where you would like to meet up, but this would not have a specific ride leader.

These meets are arranged all over Fife and Kinross and we try to vary these so that they involve different routes. The meeting time is usually 12.30 from April to October, but we've decided that for the winter months, we'll have a meet time of 12.00 as the days are shorter and the Rendezvous Rides members can make their way singly or by arrangement in small groups.

Information about the group rides

A list of our Rides for the first three month of 2024 have been compiled and I've attached them here and also as a file you can download:

                         Cycling UK CTC Fife and Kinross RUNS LIST July-September 2024  

September                                                  Meet Address:
Wed  11th  Buffalo Farm Café, Boglily Farm Steading, Kirkcaldy
Sat  14th  Muircot Farm & Bistro, Tillicoultry   
Sun  15th    ** Group Ride. ..Route tbc
Wed  18th  Village Café, Ceres  PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE/DATE
Sat  21st  South Queensferry,  Little Bakery café or picnic tables
***27 Sept -4 Oct  Club holiday –Millkeepers Cottage,  Bamburgh, Northumberland
Sat  28th  Pittencrieff Park Café, Dunfermline

Our area