Cycling UK Oxfordshire Midweek

Picture showing about thirty Cycling UK Oxfordshire Midweek cyclists, men and women, just outside a tea room on their bicycles.

Cycling UK Oxfordshire Midweek welcomes you to Oxfordshire. We are the merger of the former District Association (Cycling UK Oxfordshire) and CTC Midweek Oxfordshire, and can trace our roots back to the foundation of CTC Oxford in 1924.

Contact details

Our activities

Audax/Sportive road rides
Leisure/Touring rides
Campaigning group

About us

Midweek Rides: All cyclists welcome. By starting from a café after elevenses and having a wide range of starting points our rides are designed to cater for riders from all parts of Oxfordshire whether by riding to the start or by car assistance. All rides meet at a café at 10:00 for elevenses and will leave as soon as everyone is ready after 10:30 and not later than 10:45, N.B. this means that if are not stopping for a drink please aim to arrive by 10:30. If you are delayed en route to the start please ring the leader. See our Midweek Ride Programme for Start points and Lunch points.

In order to cater for a wider range of riders, we are running a series of easier/shorter/less hilly – ‘leisure’ – rides, indicated by J in the rides list. On these days there will be two different rides both starting from the same café and both aiming for the same lunch venue. On other days we will attempt the same arrangement on an impromptu basis if the demand is there. Rides will always return towards the start for the benefit of anyone arriving by car. The pace of the rides is always dictated by the slowest rider on the day. We never leave anyone behind and will always regroup at the next turn.

Special rides and events: We run the Annual Century Ride for Oxfordshire - 100 miles, usually in late June or early July (Cycling UK Members only). We have three excellent routes, starting in Islip, Eynsham or Wallingford, but are always looking for variations. Every three years, this becomes the Triennial Veterans' Century Ride as part of a national celebration.  We also aim to host other special county-wide cycling events. 

Further details see Cycling UK Oxfordshire website

Campaigning: We campaign for better cycling facilities and safer roads to enable more people to cycle more often. Much of this happens under the banner of the county-wide federation of cycling groups and campaigners: Oxfordshire Cycling Network.


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