Making cycling e-asier terms & conditions loans

Cycling UK terms and conditions for users of Making cycling e-asier (the e-cycle rental scheme/e-cycle loan scheme)

Terms and conditions in community languages

These terms and conditions are also available in eight community languages.  Please select the ‘Terms and conditions translations’ button below to see these terms and conditions in: Arabic, Bangla, Gujarati, Hindi, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian and Urdu.

Terms & conditions translated

1. Introduction

1.1. These terms and conditions apply to your loan from us of an electric bicycle (“E-Cycle”) together with any accessories and attachments supplied under the National E-Cycle Scheme (“Scheme”).  

1.2. You would like to loan and we have agreed to loan to you the E-Cycle, as set out in your booking confirmation.   

1.3. The loan of the E-Cycle and any supplied accessories (including lights, locks, helmets, charger) will not last for longer than 1 month and is loaned to you free of charge.  

1.4. By loaning the E-Cycle and by ticking the relevant box on our booking management system you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions (“Terms”). 

1.5. Separate terms and conditions may apply to your attendance of an event which we will make available to you separately.   

1.6. Please note that if you breach any of these Terms, we may refuse to allow you to loan an E-Cycle or cancel your loan.    

2. Information about us and the Scheme

2.1. We are Cyclists’ Touring Club (trading as Cycling UK) incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 25185 and registered as a charity in England and Wales with charity number 1147607 and in Scotland with charity number SC042541 whose registered office is at Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX (“Cycling UK”). 

2.2. The Scheme aims to increase public awareness and understanding of, and to accelerate the uptake of, E-Cycles. We have received funding from the Department for Transport to deliver the Scheme. 

2.3. You can contact us with any queries relating to these Terms, your E-Cycle and / or the Scheme by email.

3. E-Cycle Loan

3.1. To loan an E-Cycle you must: 

3.1.1. be aged 16 years or over at all E-Hubs, provided those aged 16-17 years have parental consent which must be documented in a completed parental consent form;   

3.1.2. be a proficient and competent cyclist;  

3.1.3. ensure that all data provided by you is accurate, not misleading and complete. If you provide the wrong information in our booking form, we may cancel your loan; 

3.1.4. apply and be accepted by us to participate in the Scheme, be registered with us and approved by us (including meeting any eligibility requirements) and be in receipt of a booking confirmation and;

3.1.5. agree to these Terms. 

3.2. We reserve the right, at our absolute discretion, to refuse your application to loan the E-Cycle. 

3.3. Upon collection of the E-Cycle, you must bring your booking confirmation with you and provide proof of your identity as set out in the options below. 

3.3.1. Option 1: Your booking confirmation, 1 document from Group A and 1 document from Group B; from the table below; or 

3.3.2. Option 2: Your booking confirmation and 2 documents from Group B from the table below (this option should only to be used when you do not possess a document from Group A). 

Group A 

(Proof of ID)


Group B 

(Proof of address)



Valid, current, and original documentation. 

Driving license 

Valid, current, and original documentation. 

Driving license 

Utility bill 

Issued within the last 3 months, clearly displaying name and address. Digital versions accepted. 


Non-UK national ID card 

Council tax bill 


UK Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) 


Bank statement 

Asylum Registration Card (ARC) 

Mortgage statement 




Credit card statement 


P45 or P60 statement 

Letter from HMRC or DWP 

Tenancy agreement 

Valid, current, and original documentation. 


  • All documents must show your name or name and address, with the name and address matching across documents provided.  

  • Documents from Group A and Group B must be unique and a driving license cannot be used twice. 

  • Students living away from their main address must provide their booking confirmation, current tenancy agreement and valid student ID. 

3.4. The loan commences at the start date on your booking confirmation and will continue until the E-Cycle is returned to us on the due date at the loan location where you collected the E-Cycle (“Loan Period”). 

3.5. Collection of the E-Cycle must take place within 48 hours of the start date on your booking confirmation, failure to do so will result in the automatic cancellation of the booking. 

3.6. You are responsible for choosing the right size of E-Cycle. The correct size and fitting of the E-Cycle will be checked by our staff at the time of collection. If our staff consider that the size or fitting of the E-Cycle is not correct, we may refuse the loan. We are under no obligation to swap the booked E-Cycle for an alternative. 

3.7. On collection of the E-Cycle at the start of your loan, you must inspect and agree that the E-Cycle is in good condition prior to leaving the loan location. 

3.8. You must return the E-Cycle clean, with the battery fully charged and in the same condition as you collected it in (excluding any fair wear and tear from use in compliance with these Terms). 

3.9. You must return the E-Cycle and any accessories on the date, time and place stated on your booking confirmation at the end of the Loan Period. If the E-Cycle (including any accessories) is not returned to us on or before the last day of the Loan Period, we reserve the right to charge a late fee of up to £1,500 in accordance with clause 5 below. 

3.10. You can only book one E-Cycle per person and there is only one E-Cycle loan allowed for the duration of the Scheme (consecutive/recurrent bookings are not permitted and will be automatically cancelled). Repeat bookings are only allowed when invited by Cycling UK to do so.

3.11. You agree to participate in our monitoring and evaluation process, which includes a pre-loan survey and two post-loan surveys. You can respond anonymously to the surveys.  

3.12. Following your participation in the Scheme, Cycling UK may contact you to invite you to take part in further research into the Scheme and your participation in it. 

3.13. You will receive essential correspondence from us to manage your booking and to access our monitoring and evaluation surveys (see clause 3.12). 

4. Your obligations

4.1. When using the E-Cycle you must:

4.1.1. comply with these Terms and all applicable laws; 

4.1.2. abide by the Highway Code; 

4.1.3. observe all traffic signs and signals; 

4.1.4. ensure that the E-Cycle is road worthy prior to use (including before each use that the tyres, brakes, saddle and bell are fit for use); 

4.1.5. use the E-Cycle reasonably and responsibly; 

4.1.6. use the E-Cycle in accordance with any instructions provided by us and/or the manufacturer; 

4.1.7. ensure good care of the e-cycle’s lithium battery: follow the charging instructions provided by us or the manufacturer; don’t expose the battery to extreme temperatures; don't drop the battery or tamper with it in any way, and only use the battery to power the E-Cycle. If the battery is damaged, please report it to us by email to: 

4.1.8. look after the E-Cycle; and

4.1.9. securely lock the E-Cycle when it is not in use or is unattended: in a secure place, to a fixed object, and using the lock provided. If the E-Cycle is stolen while left unlocked or unattended by you, we may charge a penalty fee. 

4.2. When using the E-Cycle (including any accessories) you must not:

4.2.1. leave the E-Cycle unattended or unsecured;

4.2.2. use the E-Cycle beyond the purpose it was intended for. For example, you must not provide or operate a courier service, deliveries or use it for any business purpose;

4.2.3. sell, lend, give, hire out, rent or otherwise part possession with the E-Cycle or allow any other person to use the E-Cycle;

4.2.4. damage, deface or vandalise the E-Cycle; 

4.2.5. load the E-Cycle:     

(a) with a total weight of more than 250lb (130kg);

(b) with more than one person at a time;

(c) with a basket with a total weight of more than 20lb (10kg); 

(d) with a basket with any animals, children or persons; 

4.2.6. carry dangerous, hazardous or flammable substances or any object likely to cause injury to you and / or cause damage to the E-Cycle and / or that is prohibited by law; 

4.2.7. use the E-Cycle for racing or stunt or trick riding; 

4.2.8. use the E-Cycle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; 

4.2.9. use the E-Cycle while texting or on your mobile phone; 

4.2.10. dismantle or tamper with the E-Cycle (or in any way attempt to do so); 

4.2.11. add or attach accessories or trailers to the E-Cycle; 

4.2.12. use the E-Cycle for criminal activities; 

4.2.13. use the E-Cycle for antisocial behaviour (including, for example, in a manner that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm, offence or distress to others);

4.2.14. leave the E-Cycle in any place where it will obstruct a public thoroughfare, such as a pavement, cycle lane or road; and

4.2.15. under no circumstances take the E-Cycle outside of the United Kingdom. 

5. Late or non-return of E-Cycle

5.1. if the E-Cycle is not returned to us by the end of the Loan Period in accordance with clause 3.9 above (date, time and place), you will be charged a late return fee of £50 each day the E-Cycle is not returned to us after the Loan Period has expired (“Late Return Fee”) plus a recovery fee of £200 (“Recovery Fee’) if we need to recover or repossess the E-cycle. The Late Return Fee will be capped at £1,500 and shall be payable on demand as a debt on the earlier of the date you return the E-Cycle to us, or thirty (30) days after end of the Loan Period. 

5.2. in addition to charging and recovering the Late Return Fee and Recovery Fee, we reserve our rights in relation to the late or non-return of the E-Cycle and any accessories, including by taking steps to find and repossess the E-Cycle from you, by taking proceedings against you, and / or reporting any evidence of criminality to the police. Our E-Cycles are equipped with anti-theft GPS tracking devices that may be activated in the event of theft or non-return to enable the recovery of such E-cycles. 

6. Safety

6.1. We want you to have a safe and enjoyable experience when using the E-Cycle. In addition to complying with our use requirements outlined in clauses 4.1 and 4.2 above and exercising caution and good judgement, we strongly advise that you wear the helmet provided and use appropriate safety equipment and clothing when using the E-Cycle (including the lights provided) and follow our guidance and safety tips. 

​6.2. You accept that cycling has risks and confirm that you are a competent cyclist who will cycle safely and responsibly. You are responsible for ensuring that you are physically able to safely use the E-Cycle and you ride at your own risk. 

7. Exclusion and suspension

7.1. If at any time you do not comply with these Terms and / or any applicable laws we may exclude or suspend you from participating in the Scheme and using the E-Cycle. 

7.2. Where non-compliance with the Terms is of a criminal nature (including theft of the E-Cycle) we reserve the right to refer the matter to the police and to disclose relevant information to the police. Information provided by the police regarding non-compliance with these Terms and any applicable laws may be used to exclude or suspend you from participating in Scheme and using the E-Cycle. 

7.3. If you are excluded or suspended from the Scheme we will cancel your loan of the E-Cycle and you must return the E-Cycle (and any accessories) to us at the place stated in your booking confirmation immediately or a Late Return Fee will apply. We reserve the right to take further action should you fail to return the E-Cycle. 

8. Problems and repairs

8.1. If you experience any problem with the E-Cycle please stop using the E-Cycle as soon as it is safe to do so and notify us without delay at

8.2. We will use reasonable efforts to repair the E-Cycle or procure a replacement E-Cycle, where possible, except for: 

8.2.1. the repair of a puncture or unseated chain or saddle adjustments, which you can reasonably carry out yourself; or 

8.2.2. damage as a result of your misuse.

8.3. In case of a problem or repair with the E-Cycle, we are under no obligation to extend the loan period. 

9. Accidents, damaged, lost or stolen E-Cycles

9.1. You must report (as soon as possible) any damaged, lost or stolen E-Cycles to us by email to:  

9.2. In the case of theft of the E-Cycle you must also report this to the nearest police station, notifying them of your involvement in the Scheme, and you must obtain and provide to us, by email, a copy of the incident reference number, as well as photographic evidence from the place where the E-Cycle was stolen. 

9.3.  If you are involved in an accident, or damage or injury is caused to someone or something while using the E-Cycle you must stop using the E-Cycle when safe to do so and notify us of the accident and any damage to the E-Cycle by email to: If you are involved in a collision, including any minor collisions, you must also report it to the nearest police station, notifying them of your involvement in the Scheme, and you must obtain and provide to us, by email, a copy of the police incident reference number. 

9.4. Under no circumstances should the E-Cycle be left unattended or unlocked. If the E-Cycle is stolen while left unattended or unlocked and you fail to provide the relevant evidence, we may charge a penalty fee of up to £1500.

10. Liability and insurance

10.1. The E-Cycle and any accessories remain our property (or the property of our partners, as applicable) during the loan. 

10.2. You are responsible for any loss, theft or damage to the E-Cycle and any accessories we provide to you during the loan. 

10.3. We are not liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under these Terms that is caused by events beyond our reasonable control. 

10.4. No third party insurance is offered as part of the Scheme; if required by the loanee, third party insurance can be obtained through a Cycling UK membership package.  

11. Data protection

Our Privacy Policy (link included below) governs how we may use your personal information. Please read the Privacy Policy carefully for information about how we use your personal information.

12. Cancellation

12.1 You may amend, cancel or end your hire of the E-Cycle earlier by returning your E-Cycle to the location where you picked up the E-Cycle or by contacting us or at the location where you hired the E-Cycle.  

12.2 Your hire is conditional on the Scheme continuing. We may immediately cancel our hire to you on notice for any reason, including but not limited to, the Scheme ending. If your hire is cancelled you must return the E-Cycle to us without delay to the place stated in your booking confirmation. 

13. Complaints

13.1. Please email us if you have any enquiries or complaints. 

14. Updates

14.1. We may change these terms and conditions from time to time.

15. Other

15.1. You must notify us of a change of your address or any other updates to your details as soon as it is practical to do so by emailing:  

15.2. Nobody else other then you and us is a party to this agreement. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of these Terms. 

15.3. You may not transfer or assign any of your rights under these Terms to any other person. 

15.4. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall be enforced to the fullest extent under the law. 

15.5. Failure to enforce any right or provision under these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such a right or provision.  

15.6. If these Terms are translated into any other language and there is any inconsistency between the versions of the Terms, this English language version shall take priority. 

15.7. These Terms shall be governed by English and Welsh law and any disputes between us regarding these Terms will be heard in the English and Welsh courts. 

Terms and conditions in languages other than English