Here’s how to thank your volunteers for all they do

Recumbent rider with volunteer
Enabling other people to enjoy cycling is a reward in itself but hearing someone say ‘thanks’ makes it even better
Did you know that 20m people volunteer in the UK, with 48% supporting sport and physical activities, contributing £22.6bn to the UK economy? Most volunteers get involved in cycling simply for the benefits it brings to others but expressing appreciation for their efforts and the huge difference they make to the lives of others goes a long way in keeping them enthused and interested

Friday 1 to 7 June 2018 was National Volunteers’ Week. This was a chance to say a massive ‘THANK YOU’ for the valuable contribution volunteers make to people’s lives across the UK. If you work alongside other volunteers, or benefit from their enthusiasm for cycling, why not thank them too?

It’s easy to overlook the amount of time, energy and skill involved in putting on great cycling events, enjoyable rides, campaigning for better infrastructure and the numerous other activities that wouldn’t take place without our wonderful volunteers.

We’ve come up with some ideas for easy ways you can show you gratitude for the efforts they give for others:

  • Buy them a tea, coffee or treat of choice – small gestures can mean a lot
  • Send them a quick message of appreciation
  • Buy or make a ‘thank you’ card
  • Present them with a personalised Certificate of Thanks from Cycling UK in front of others
  • Request a personalised letter from Cycling UK’s CEO to recognise long service, outstanding deeds, or to welcome/say goodbye to individual volunteers
  • Hold a celebratory event using free resources from National Volunteers’ Week
  • Invite a local MP or dignitary to attend a workshop session, start a ride or join you at the coffee stop

Remember, however, that you should avoid giving volunteers anything of significant monetary value to compromise the legal and financial relationship you have with them. Also, you shouldn’t give gifts on a regular basis.

Don’t forget to let us know how you got on – we’d love to hear your volunteering stories to share with others or if you’ve got some other ideas of ways to thank your volunteers – especially if you’ve come up with something particularly unique and imaginative!

There lots of other ways Cycling UK celebrates voluntary achievement in cycling, such as our Volunteer of the Year Awards so don’t forget to look out for how to nominate somebody you feel deserves wider recognition later in the year.