Family-friendly Glasgow city centre ride

Ride level Beginner cyclist
Distance 3 mi / 5 km
Type of bicycle Any
Traffic Expect traffic
Views of the Clyde in Glasgow

Play Together on Pedals is a collaborative programme designed by the partners - Cycling UK, Cycling Scotland and Play Scotland – to engage children and their families in Glasgow and Edinburgh in cycling activities. The programme has taught more than 8,000 children to cycle since 2014, and also works with parents to encourage the whole family to cycle. The Play Together on Pedals team has suggested this route for families, or anyone else, looking for a quiet and safe route to build up cycling confidence.

This route is fun for all the family.  So, perhaps you’ve been along to Play on Pedals sessions and you can now all ride your bikes as a family – but where to ride next in a traffic free environment?   This is the ideal way to develop cycling confidence and skills whilst having fun – Play Together on Pedals!  This route takes you along the cycle route which follows the beautiful River Clyde.  It is easy to follow, can be ridden in either direction and you can go as far along it as you wish, making it as short or as long as you want it to be.  The route starts at the fantastic Riverside Museum (perhaps you learned to ride at one of the Play on Pedals sessions there?!).  Why not take a visit into the museum to learn about the fascinating history of bikes and see a real Scottish cycling legend – “Old Faithful”.  From here you follow the River Clyde all the way to Glasgow Green.  Why not count the bridges as you go?  There are some roads to cross but these are all traffic controlled crossings.  Once at Glasgow Green you can follow any of the paths on the Green but why not stop at the People’s Palace for refreshments or even visit Free Wheel North on Glasgow Green?  If you don’t have a bike, don’t worry – there are Next Bike hire stations at the Riverside Museum, Glasgow Green and Tradeston Bridge.

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